Synopsis: Tom Ward follows the Spook to his winter home where they encounter a failed apprentice, now a powerful necromancer, who plans to summon an ancient god.
A lot of this book had the same charm as the previous two books of The Last Apprentice. However, this is the weakest of the three. It just doesn't have the constant sense of menace that made the first two of the series so great. I don't think as much happens, and that's a little sad.
It also has the weakest ending. Basically, it ends without input from any of the good guys. If they did nothing, it would have ended exactly the same. That said, it uses a similar trick as used in the Bartimaeus Trilogy. I won't give it away, but it's just one of my favorite ways to fight a summoner.
Another thing I liked was having a necromancer who is evil, but puts aside his overt evil to go John Edward for local farm folk. Yeah, it's still pretty dark and depressing, but it shows how when one has a skill, one uses it to pay the bills.
So this book isn't as good as its predecessors, but it's still worth reading. And I can't see a book by Delaney in this world being a bad read.
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