Monday, August 27, 2007

You'd think being a writer involved writing...

Current Project: WoTF short story -- Character work. Plus editing for Final Redoubt.

I'm not making the progress I'd like on my story. I have my plot, characters, and world, but it's just not coming together. So tonight I'm working on a technique to get to know my characters a little better. I don't think they've quite come to life in my mind yet. It's amazing how easy writing tends to become once your characters are alive. It becomes a process of chronicling their adventures rather than making it all up.

It's probably for the best that I'm not going to be writing much actualy prose tonight. It's been an exhausting day. I've had the joy of fighting with my insurance company about covering my child's birth. That, and the headphone jack on my mp3 player has decided to go fritzy on its connection. So I'm kinda fried. I really shouldn't let these things bother me, but I tend to be a worrier.

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