Thursday, August 30, 2007

Book Review: Odd Thomas by Dean R. Koontz

Odd Thomas leads an unusual life. He sees the spirits of the dead that linger on in our world. More than that, he sees bodachs, dark spirits that precede catastrophes. When hordes of bodachs appear in the streets of Pico Mundo, Odd's hometown, He embarks on a quest to discover and prevent the looming disaster.

The beginning of this novel is, perhaps, my favorite of all time. Odd's first-person narration engages from the start, and within the first 1000 words, we are propelled into a frenetic chase.

With sparkling characters, constant suspense, and Odd's trademark wit, the novel enthralls from beginning to end. In fact, as I think on it, I honestly can't think of anything I wish Koontz had done differently. And I usually pride myself on being literarily pessimistic.

If you've yet to read this book, get to it. You'll enjoy it, if only for Elvis's cameos.

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