Tuesday, September 18, 2007

There just isn't enough time

Current Project: WoTF short story 2900 words in.

I haven't posted in a while, and I probably won't for a couple more weeks. I'm in the process of working down to a deadline of September 30th, so I need to spend my time writing things that aren't his blog.

I am making progress on my WotF story. It's been taking a long time because I've restarted it 3 times. I just couldn't find the right feeling for it. I think I have it now. It seems the right course was to start it later into the story than where I originally wanted to start. What was bothering me, I now know in hindsight, was that I was putting off the start of action for some 2000 words into the story. I'm sure you can guess why that's a problem.

I've now reached the end of Act 1. So I've got to finish the rest of the story now. That's actually not very hard to do once you have the right start. I've found stories tend to write themselves once you give them enough momentum.

I should say, though, that I probably won't get around to another post until October.

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