Sunday, June 1, 2008

Book Review: Tishomingo Blues by Elmore Leonard

Synopsis: After daredevil high-diver Dennis Lenahan witnesses a murder by the Dixie Mafia, he is threatened into silence. Then he meets a slick con man from Detroit and gets drawn into his plots to usurp the Dixie Mafia's turf. The whole of the climax takes place during a Civil War reenactment.

Okay, this being my second Elmore Leonard book (and I'm working on my third), I'm starting to understand his style. His protagonists are super-slick cool guys who typify who a man wishes he were. Throw in so quirky characters (good, bad, and neutral). Then add some great dialogue and interesting locations, and you've got something.

This one's a little slow at the beginning. It's entertaining, getting to know his characters (mostly people I'm glad I don't live next to, but despite a murder and various other crimes going back and forth, not much really sparkles plot-wise until we're moving into the reenactment.

But once we're in uniform, wow. It's just fun. I think it's the details Leonard includes with the die-hard reenactors (such as the CIB cop who is hesitant to arrest the bad guys until after the reenactment, and who dresses down the protagonist for not having his rifle on him at all times). Another thing that's pretty cool is that we spend some good time coming up with plans, and they completely fall apart in a way I don't think I've ever really seen before (let's face it, climax plans always fall apart. It's neat to see it happen somewhat originally).

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