Sunday, July 13, 2008

Book Review: Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold

Synopsis: Cordelia Naismith from Shards of Honor gets used to her new life as the Lady Vorkosigan and complains about the Barrayarans. Then she helps keep the Emperor alive during a coup d'etat.

This is a rather enjoyable book. Much of the plot involves political intrigue, which is a subject about which I'm still learning, so I can't really rate the handling. One thing we learn from Aral's regency is that it sucks to be the leader. Life is full of hard decisions, and people are always trying to kill you.

It's funny getting the story through Cordelia's eyes. Being from Beta Colony, she's extremely liberal. While many of the things she criticizes about Barrayar make perfect sense, on other things, she's out there. It's rather fun being in the viewpoint of someone who's frequently rational and occasionally bizarre.

Or maybe I'm not far enough to the left.

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