Sunday, July 13, 2008

Book Review: Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett

Synopsis: After the assassination of their king, the witches have to work together to first protect the rightful heir, then return him to the throne before the land destroys itself.

This is, hands down, the funniest Pratchett book I've read to this point. It seemed like I was laughing out loud every five minutes. It was so good. I think Mort is still my favorite with all things considered (it had a little more substance).

The best part is when Death appears on stage in the role of Death in the Hamlet-esque play-in-a-book. Then there's Nanny Ogg. Pretty much every scene she's in is hilarious.

When they are gathering the prince back, the witches follow the folktales to make sure he's successful in reclaiming the kingdom. That section caught my attention because my current novel has a rather similar concept. What can I say? Great minds.

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