Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Book Review: The Warrior's Apprentice by Lois McMaster Bujold

Synopsis: Miles Vorkosigan fails to make it into the Barrayaran military academy due to his frailty caused by events in the book Barrayar. He does however succeed in accidentally becoming an "admiral."

This was an absolute joy to read. Miles is a character with so much personality almost anything he could do would be fun to witness. Bujold did such a marvelous job crafting him. Without resorting to spoilers, there was a point in the middle where I had to stop and say, "Holy Crap! Did he just do what I think he did?" Short answer: Yes. And it was believable.

It is somewhat of a Space Opera, but once you are immersed in Bujold's universe, it seems like science. It's that internally consistant. And her handling of intrigue makes me realize how much I still have to learn.

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